With all of these examples, use the more formal greeting "Dear Mr. Smith" or the more casual greeting "Dear John" depending on how well you know them. You can also adapt the closing accordingly, e.g. "Sincerely," "With love," "Best Wishes," and the like.
A thank you card to a close friend or relative:
Dear Aunt Ann and Uncle Joe,
Thank you so much for the gorgeous lace tablecloth! It is beautiful and
we were both incredibly touched that you gave us this family heirloom. It was wonderful, as always, to see you at the wedding – I especially loved jitterbugging with Uncle Joe. I can’t wait to catch up on your news and tell you all about the honeymoon and newly married life.
With love,
A thank you card to someone you don’t know very well
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson,
Thank you for the beautiful vase that you sent Christine and me as a wedding present. I know we will enjoy it for many years to come. It was wonderful to finally get to meet you at the wedding. We really appreciate that you were able to witness such a happy day for us and our families.
Sincerely yours,
Todd Markham
A thank you card when you’ve received cash or a gift certificate
Use the thank you card to tell the givers how you used it. For example:
Dear Terry and Vicky,
Todd and I wanted to thank you greatly for the check you sent for a wedding gift. We are saving to buy a new car, and your gift will help us reach our goal. We can’t wait to take you for a spin around the neighborhood.
Best wishes,
Christine Markham
A thank you card for an item off of your registry
Dear Jack,
I am writing to thank you for the place setting of china that you so kindly sent for a wedding gift. Todd and I now have a service for eight. I’m sure we’ll use it for years to come. Wedding china is such a thoughtful gift and an instant family heirloom.
Thanks again,
Christine Markham
A thank you card for a donation to a charity
Dear Alice,
Thank you for your thoughtful wedding gift to the ASPCA in our names. As you know, this charity is very dear to both Todd and I; they do such wonderful work for all of the animals in our area, as well as across the country. We can’t imagine a more wonderful present than a donation to such a cause.
With best wishes,
Christine Markham
A thank you card when you don’t like the gift
Dear Mrs. Goreham,
Thank you for the wedding present of the velvet painting of dogs playing poker. It is certainly a unique gift; you are always so thoughtful and generous. It was so nice of you to join us at our wedding, and Christine and I hope to see you soon.
With love,
Todd Markham
A thank you card for someone who sent a gift but wasn’t at the wedding
Dear Mr. Jacobs,
Thank you so much for the gold-plated doodad you sent Christine and me as a wedding gift. It was so thoughtful of you! I’m so sorry that you couldn’t attend the wedding – it was romantic and went just as planned. I’d love to get together soon so you can see the pictures!
Todd Markham
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