Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Department Trip @ Awana Genting

On my first day at my new job, two other new joiners and I were asked to go to our department after our induction. At our department, we were asked by our Head of Corporate Finance to go for the Company's department trip- right into the first weekend of the new year!

Naturally, we couldn't say no even if we wanted to. Which was actually at the tip of our tongues to refuse.

And silly me forgot that I had both a cousin's and a good friend's wedding to attend right that weekend itself! I just agreed to my Head and said that I would be able to go. Anyways, along the week, I asked to be allowed to go back earlier for my friend's wedding.

On Friday, after work, we packed our bags into the bus and headed for Awana Genting. Most people drove up. If us, the newcomers knew we had such an option earlier, we would have just made similar arrangement ourselves!

Before the trip, we were already assigned to a group. There are 7 teams in total- Brown, Purple, Yellow, Blue, Red, Green and Orange, my team!

It took our bus driver about 1 hour from our office to reach Awana. I must say, it was a rather fast journey. My roommate aka colleague, GW and I hardly noticed the time ticking as we were swapping stories of our lives ie our relationships. Interesting conversation, that's for sure.

I never knew that Awana was that huge on the inside. There's even an enticing swimming pool! Rather posh looking. Even our rooms were simple in decor and yet classy looking. Perhaps, we had lowered our expectations.

We reached our destination, had dinner and proceeded for ice breakers.

My awesome, happening Orange team members!

Seriously, that night, I laughed til my back ached! It has been AGES since I laughed that much and a hearty one to boot! After several other ice breakers, we were asked to get back to our teams and share 2 things/secret that no one knows with the whole group. My team was sporting and really shared stuff.

One was saying how people always think he's 28 when he's older but he just let's them continue thinking so. Another said how she loves karaoke. Other groups were done and the Emcee wanted to wrap up for the night but my group still wasn't done. We were really laughing our heads off!

Next day, after breakfast, we had telematch. A series of games. Wasn't anything too strenuous.

This wasn't easy for those having to walk backwards ok.

Go ORANGE team!!

After telematch, we had time to clean up and have lunch.

The food is pretty alright.

After lunch, it was some team building activities in house.

We had to hold hands and pass the hoop.

Dinner on Saturday night was held at the long house. For that, we had to walk really faaaar. I think it took us about 15minutes or longer and in the dark! Once everyone was settled, each team had to come up and do their team cheer. Our team cheer didn't really make much sense. It was something our team leader had learnt from his scouting years. At the end, we shouted "Orange Power" or something like that.

Then, we had our dinner. The thing with department trips are that food is always in abundance. DANG!

After dinner, each department had to come up and perform a short performance which I will blog about another time.

Basically, this was a rather fun department trip whereby my team was sporting and happening. We were surprised when they announced that my team won for the Telematch and team cheer! It's nice to be in the winning team, for once.

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