Selasa, 12 April 2011

Dominoes Promotion !!!

Tuesdays were supposed to be pizza and movie nights. However, Dominoes had a promo during the weekend - AUD4.95 for a large pizza and you can order as many as you want! How could we pass such a good offer up?

Obviously, we didn't!

So, last Saturday night, we had pepperoni ('cos Jo boy only eats that apparently) and meatlovers which had bacon rashers, pepperoni, ham, cheese, the works! We also ordered the cheesy garlic bread. I thought it'll be garlic bread with cheese on top but it came out as a pizza with cheese on top. Look at the picture above, pizza most to the right. Yup. That's the cheesy garlic bread.

And remember my post on sweet Aunt M? Well, she did it again. My cousin, Jo came for our usual Saturday night dinner and brought along flowers, fruits and .....

Super yummy blueberry cheesecake from Cheesecake Heaven!

She's ever so adorable with her antics. Mr. C and I can't say 'thank you' in front of my oblivious uncle though as we don't want to get her into trouble!

After our yummy pizza dinner, we played Kinect Adventures and Dance Central on Xbox! It was hilarious watching Mr. C and Jo jump around. I recorded them on video but made a solemn vow not to post it on Facebook or anywhere but they never make me promise not to put their pictures!

*Nyek Nyek*

It was a good work out for all three of us flabby people! We were sweaty at the end of it. Definitely fun but tiring. Jo was funny at Dance Central 'cos the steps were simple but he was grooving his own moves and NOT following the steps! Then, he grumbles how tough it is. I think it's applaudable that he never gave up and wasn't paiseh he wasn't getting the moves.

And that was our Saturday night hangout session.

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