Just early Sunday morning, we had to change our clocks back by an hour. Before that, we were three hours ahead of Malaysia and now, we're two hours ahead. That means, we had an extra hour of sleep before church on Sunday!
But that also meant Mr. C goes to work one hour later starting from yesterday and will come home an hour later, leaving just a mere hour or so before the sun sets! Bummer!
Yesterday as we watched 'The Gala', a line up of stand up comedians on tivo, both our eyes were drooping by 10.30pm. It felt like 11pm ish and yet the clock only showed 10.30pm!

This made me decide to google up on daylight saving time since I've heard SO much about it but no one can really explain what it's about. According to the Australian Government site, Australia is the world's 6th largest country and has three separate time zones.
(The below is extracted from the Australian Government site)
#1 Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
Covers the eastern states of Queensland, New South Wales (with the exception of the town of Broken Hill), Victoria, Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory.
AEST is equal to Coordinated Universal Time plus 10 hours (UTC +10).
#2 Australian Central Standard Time (ACST)
Covers the state of South Australia, the town of Broken Hill in western New South Wales and the Northern Territory.
ACST is equal to Coordinated Universal Time plus 9 ½ hours (UTC +9 ½).
#3 Australian Western Standard Time (AWST)
Covers Western Australia.
AWST is equal to Coordinated Universal Time plus 8 hours (UTC +8).
So what is Daylight Savings all about?
Apparently, it seems to be the practice of changing one's clock an hour forward during the warmer months of the year and is observed only in some states in Australia- New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, and the Australian Capital Territory.
This means that Daylight Saving Time begins at 2am (AEST) on the first Sunday in October and ends at 2am (AEST) (which is 3am Australian Eastern Daylight Time) on the first Sunday in April.
So that means come October, I'll have to switch my clock one hour back, thereby losing an hour! Bummer yet again!

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