This is disgusting and I wonder how true this is
Although I am not as uptight and as conservative as I used to be, there has been a long standing issue between Mr. C and I and it pans out over our ten years relationship.
It's about smoking.
It's about smoking.
I have never smoked a single cigarette in my life- up to now, that is. Who knows what the future has in store, right? Maybe I'll be puffing my first ciggy this weekend. That is beside the point.
From my experience, many who smokes would never ever let me smoke a stick! Not even a teensy puff! All hypocrites in my opinion if you ask me. Their hearts are at the right place but ever heard of walking one's talk? Don't smoke if you don't want me to.
The awesome people who tells me NOT to smoke and who refuses to share their ciggies with me but continue on puffing away like a chimney are my Korean house mates, my cousin, my childhood friend when I met him whilst back in Malaysia in August to name a few (and oh, they seem to make up mostly of guys... wonder what it means).
Even Mr. C is dead set against me trying my first ciggy which is a little bit H-E-L-L-O... pot calling the kettle black. After all, he used to be a puffer himself. But hey, they all have done it and some are still puffing away like a chimney. So, why can't I? Not even to try IF I am so inclined to? It's my right anyways.
But that's not the point I was trying to make.
Every time Mr. C flies back to Malaysia for a holiday, he'd buy ciggies for his mates because it is duty free and cheaper. After three times of telling him off, I said, the next time, it's off between us. If you care for your friends, just because ciggies are cheap, why buy it for them when you know it's bad for them? You might as well buy chocolates or perfume or something else.

Anti Smoking Campaign photoshoot for one of America's Next Top Model season
He has since then stopped buying. But this time he came back in September, his mum asked him to buy for her sister. And he did which showed me that he missed my point. TOTALLY.
Some things, you just have to think for yourself and not follow blindly. When I say don't buy, I don't want him to NOT buy just because I said so. I want him to know where I am coming from. Like, where is our stand as a couple? As future parents to our future children? What is the message we relay to them through our actions?

I know it's thinking a little far ahead but habits take time to cultivate especially good ones. It's all about knowing one's values and why one sticks by them. I am not sure if he got the point (which he might have totally missed... again! which is SO typical of him. MEN!) but at least, he knows where my stand is.
So, are you FOR or AGAINST buying ciggies for your friends? Sure, it's their prerogative if they want to smoke and who are we to have the holier-than-thou attitude but it's because I care for my friends, for people, that I don't want to seem them harm themselves. Do you?
Handing them ciggies is like giving them poison, killing them slowly. So, make a stand AGAINST smoking. Yeah sure, it's tough to stop. Mr. C did it on his own record and so has many other people out there and there are many sites with tips to combat this vice.
It's tough but NOT impossible.
Say NO to cigarettes TODAY!! =)
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