Okay. I am no Miss Fashionable. No Miss I-dress-up-a-lot-and-look-hot-in-everything-I-wear.
But oh-puh-liz, there are so many fashion out there that is just plain absurd and yet, we see celebrities wearing them. And just BECAUSE celebrities wear them, everyone else wants them. It's deemed cool, hot, fashionable when all it does is that it maims you- your physical body ie legs and your pockets!
Not forgetting your emotional state of how you MUST, MUST get this or that just so you'll look 'fashionable' and 'cool' when all it does is it makes you look silly! But hey, celebrities are working the look, the models strut their stuff, they must know something.
And hence, you buy things normal people wouldn't buy. You buy clothes or shoes that look like crap, that make YOU look like crap OR you look hot and fantastic but the shoes may hurt like crap, the dress may cost you an arm and a leg.
But that's peer pressure for you. The pressure to look good. The pressure to be cool. The pressure to be fashionable. And that's facts of life unless you learn to love yourself for who you are and be comfortable with how you look - you'll always crave other people's acceptance - you'll succumb to this ugly circle of life.

This Victoria Secret model looks alright but can you imagine yourself in it? Nah.
More crazy cow shoes...

Not exactly crazy, absurd but which will you actually buy to wear?
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