Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Random: When Is The Last Time You Treated Yourself?

Music and Coffee

Do you take time out for you?  Most of us have work, school, family, friends, and a whole slew of responsibilities that leave us with little or no time at all for ourselves.  I decided that I wasn't going to wait for a New Year's resolution, or any other "perfect" day to begin taking time out for myself.  It's important to divert from your daily routine of living in this high tech, fast-paced, instant gratitude expectant society that we live in, in order to remain in touch with yourself.  I feel as though we kind of lose ourselves in the insane hustle and bustle of our daily lives and we don't get enough of the the simplistic things that put a smile on our face, or give us that warm fuzzy feeling inside.

This picture represents 2 of the things that give me my warm fuzzies.  Those 2 things would be writing lyrics, singing, and/or listening to music and hanging out at various coffee shops.  Although I prefer quirky coffee shops with a little more character, Starbucks does the trick.  I made a promise to myself to make sure that I do something at least once a week that brings a smile to my face, no matter what my daily responsibilities and chores demand of me.  I challenge you to do the same thing because you deserve it!  

How will you treat yourself?

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