Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

How To Make a Hand-Tied Rose Bouquet

Being in Brisbane with no job, hence, no spending money, I resort to DIY on youtube clips. One of the topic I 'youtubed' is on making one's own bouquet.

Check out the clips below. After that, is the result of my following the clips.

So, after watching the clips, I decided to try out and see if it's really that easy to follow and do and it is! You be the judge for yourself and let me know what you think.

Step #1 - Buy two different kinds of flowers to add some colour and variety. It cost me AUD10 for each bundle from Woolies as there weren't any specials that day. I was hoping to buy red roses but the ones left back were slightly damaged with withering looks and there really wasn't much choiced. Usually I can get AUD5 bundles that are pretty and looking healthy.

Step #2- Don't forget to purchase some ribbons. This will be used to wrap around the stems. Make sure that the colour goes with your flowers. I wasn't 100% sure which would look better so I bought both of two different width. AUD2 for each from Sacks.

Step #3- Separate the thorns and leaves from the stems' of the flowers. This is to ensure the holder of the bouquet don't get poked by the thorns. =p At first, i tried leaving some leaves in but it ended up looking messy, so I removed all.

Step #4- Arrange the flowers accordingly. It really depends on what kind of flowers you buy. I can't remember but refer back to the above clips, it does mention whether to put the bigger, bloomed flowers on the outer or the inner of the bouquet. My roses surrounds the red flowers. I put one rose in between every green stem where the flower hasn't bloomed. It takes awhile to arrange, and rearrange, maneuvering till the bouquet looks right.

If you watched the clips, they will ask you to tape the stems with a green tape as you arrange the flowers. But as I am a noob and wasn't sure the outcome of my flowers, plus my bouquet is rather small, I arrange the flowers to my satisfaction first, then only sealed them.

Step #5- Once the flower is arranged to your satisfaction, bind them with tape. Then, use a ribbon and wrap it around the flowers from top to bottom. There are several ways to do this. If you don't like your stems to be protruding, you can bind the ribbons all the way down or you can wrap a nice paper around the stems first, then only wrap the ribbons around it.

Step #6- I didn't have glue, so I tuck the end of the ribbon inside the bottom of the last ribbon line. I felt that it looked rather plain, hence, I added a bow to finish it off.

and voila... perhaps, I can do the flowers for my bridesmaids and groomsmen. But that will probably turned me into a crazy, tired out bridezilla. Let's review our budget again in 6 months time.

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