JD has been a single dad of 4 children for the past 3 years. Kaylea has been a single mom of 2 children for the past 3 years. JD and Kaylea have gone though lots of hard and challenging trials over the years. But, they both learned so much and grew so much. They both know now exactly what they want out of life and what they want in a companion. JD and Kaylea had a hard time being able to go out and socialize because they were both taking care of their children full time. So, they both turned to the Internet. They met on an LDS website. They first started texting each other. Then they started talking on the phone as well. Finally they discovered Skype. They would get on the web cam every night and chat for 5 or 6 hours a night. It was the best thing. They got to know everything about each other. They fell in love very quickly. After doing this for a few months they decided it was time to meet. Kaylea flew out to Reno with her two boys to meet JD and his kids. The visit was more than perfect. Everyone got along beautifully. So, they made trips back and forth ever 3 weeks. After months of doing this they decided they couldn't stand to be apart anymore. Kaylea got permission from her ex-husband to move to be with JD. So, she packed up her house and moved. After Kaylea arrived she soon took over responsibility of all the kids while JD was at work. And at night when JD got home from work he helped out with all the children. They got to see how it would be to be a family. They knew they would be such a happy family together. The kids all got along so well. And Kaylea was everything JD was looking for in a companion. And JD was everything Kaylea was looking for in a companion. They both felt so lucky to have finally found someone who would make them so truly happy for the rest of their lives. They have gone through hard things since Kaylea has moved here. It turns out that her ex-husband changed his mind about Kaylea moving. So, they are facing lots of obstacles and court hearings. But, they take one day at a time and put their Faith in God that things will work out for them to be together. They got engaged and made plans for their future. On Saturday they get to finally join their families forever! They can not wait to begin their lives together and embark on their next journey together!!
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