“There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.”
Oscar Wilde
If you've been following the news may it be in Australia or in Malaysia, you'd know about the floods that currently plague Queensland in Australia, ironically hailed as the Sunshine State. For the past years, times were bad where it was drought time but this year, it's excess of water.
Fortunately for us, Mr. C and I live at a suburb that is untouched and unaffected by the floods in Carindale, approximately 25minutes drive from the city (Brisbane CBD).
Just imagine last Friday, we were at the city job hunting and also on Monday for an interview. Next thing you know, on Tuesday, our friend, Hoong called to say not many people showed up at work due to news of the beginning of the flood. Subsequently into the day, he was asked to go home and so were several of our friends working in affected areas ie Yeronga, Murrarie.
Those in the Brisbane CBD was asked to evacuate the city causing a massive jam. Mr. C and I were watching the news on tv and the devastation was just overwhelming. Watching cars get swept away in the flash floods, bashing street lights or other cars on the way.

Picture taken from news.ninemsn.com
On our end, life went on as normal- people at the Garden City mall in Mt. Gravatt were happily out and about with their family.
People with big hearts have been volunteering and helping out.

Picture taken from news.ninemsn.com
What more to say a frog hitching a ride from a brown snake! And today, residents return home to a cow on their rooftop!

Picture taken from news.ninemsn.com
I must really applaud the media for keeping everyone up to date with the latest news and the Brisbane City Council for their efficient response to the situation. Their website was loaded with useful links to keep the people informed on which suburbs were likely to be affected, projection of flood maps etc.

Picture taken from Brisbane Times. Poor teddy afloat in a street in Rockhampton.

Familes have to wade in water to escape if there's no boat about and it can be dangerous...

... what with potential snakes and what nots.
I truly wonder how Malaysia government would handle such a calamity if it were to ever occur, perish the thought though! 2005's tsunami probably pales in comparison to this Queensland flood despite it being reported that the 1974 floods here saw higher water levels.
It's really sad how innocent lives were lost and many having to go through difficulties of rebuilding their homes and businesses in the upcoming months to years. Yet at the same time, it is nice and heartwarming to see many offering help.
Up to date, police are currently still scouring looking for any potential victims at the Brisbane River.
If you are moved and want to do your part- you can physically offer help, cleaning up by showing up at appointed areas or you can offer your homes to the homeless. If not, you can donate as this is going to take tons of money to rebuild all that has been destroyed and lost.
Kudos to Broncos for their generosity!
You can donate money to the official flood appeal on 1800 219 028 (if you're in Australia) or at Premier's Flood Relief Appeal. You can also donate through other venues ie. Vinnies etc but be careful and ensure you are donating to a legitimate charity. Besides that, you can also donate online. Just AUD5 or even AUD10 makes a difference. Any amount will be appreciated for someone out there.
For more information and helplines for Queensland's flood crisis click HERE.
It doesn't matter if you're in Australia or in Malaysia or some other country,
have a heart, do your bit for humanity...
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