I've finally sent out my save-the-date via Facebook today. Took me forever to get the guest list sorted out and even then, there's still a few people that I'll need to get their contact and let them know since I don't have them on Facebook.
And so with about 7 more months to go to the BIG day together with every bride's fervent wish to look svelte in their gorgeous white gown, I have started to think what can I do in order to lose the unwanted love handles.
This has been an ongoing item to strike off from the things-to-do list for the past I-don't-know-how-many-years... like forever!
Somehow, I never seem to lose more than 4kg and when I do, I just gain them back!
Anyway, back to my big day. I think it's not too ambitious to lose at least 1kg a month. As long as I exercise, eat well, drink lots of water and watch my sweet tooth, it shouldn't be that difficult. Right?
I came across this article on Glamour.com about 8 workout moves for a toned body in two weeks written by a Shaun Dreisbach and it's really good for all who are clueless where to begin in regards to losing some weight.
(the below was taken from HERE)

These moves will help you score, tighter arms, calves and lower abs in two weeks; see sexy definition in your butt, hips and thighs in four (and, if you have weight to lose and are eating right, drop a dress size); and after six weeks, you’ll be slimmer and more toned all over. Do two sets three or four days a week circuit-style.

Stand with feet hip-width apart holding five-pound weights in each hand, arms bent, palms facing in. Bend knees and squat, as shown; pause, then stand and press arms straight up over shoulders. Do 8 to 12 reps.

Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms bent 90 degrees, with left hand near hip and right hand up by face, like a sprinter. Bend and lift left knee toward chest, then lean torso forward, extend left arm forward and left leg back, as shown. Return to standing, step left foot behind you and lower into a lunge, arms back in sprinter position; pause. Rise up in one explosive motion, swinging arms so they switch positions, lifting left knee toward chest and rising up onto toes of right foot. Do entire sequence 8 to 12 times; switch legs and repeat.

Works calves, hamstrings, butt
Stand with arms at shoulder height, palms down. Step forward with right foot, crossing it in front of left. Lower into a curtsylike lunge (right knee shouldn’t go past toes) while twisting torso right, as shown. Untwist, push off right foot, return to start. Do 8 to 12 reps; switch legs and repeat.

Bend forward, place hands on floor in front of toes, and walk hands forward, as shown, until you reach plank position. Do a push-up, then inch back to start. (Keep belly button pulled in.) Do 8 to 12 reps.
Toning Move 5: Standing Lift
Works obliques, back, shoulders
Stand with left foot in front of right, holding one weight with both hands, arms extended so weight is by right hip. Rotate arms up and across, as shown (don’t twist torso); pause, then return to start. Do 8 to 12 reps; switch sides and repeat.

Works abs, obliques, butt, hips, thighs
Lie on right side with legs extended, hips and feet stacked; prop yourself up on your right forearm, elbow under shoulder, and place left hand on your waist. Slowly lift hips off the floor as high as you can, as shown; hold for 15 to 30 seconds, belly button pulled in toward spine. Lower to start, switch sides and repeat.
Works biceps, shoulders, back
Stand holding a weight in each hand, arms down, palms facing thighs. Curl weights toward shoulders, rotating palms up toward your chest as you lift, as shown; pause. Lower to start. Do 12 to 15 reps.

Stand with right foot in front of left, holding a weight in left hand; lean forward with back flat; bend left elbow 90 degrees. Slowly extend arm back, lifting weight as high as you can, as shown; pause. Lower and repeat. Do 12 to 15 reps; switch sides and repeat.
Try it out and let me know if it works! =p
Meanwhile, I've been sipping Green Coffee yesterday and today - the lazy method. *hehe* Below pictures were taken with my newly acquired Nex3 (got it on a super awesome bargain). Still need to learn more about this baby of mine.
Thanks Mr. C for the early anniversary present! :)
See me?? You'll see only my right hand and the camera's lens.
And now, can you spot my left eye??!
Still here...