
Smokers. Right. So how would you feel if someone is puffing away his smoke of tobacco into your direction?
Personally, I am not a big fan of smokers. I was not raised in a smoking environment. As far as I could remember, neither did my dad and mum has friends who smoke. Nor did I. However, I do have uncles who smoke, in which I tend not to be near them when they are puffing those smokes away.
I am not against smokers. But I am against those smokers who tend to be selfish and ignorance of the surrounding. Being able to smoke publicly is something that I am not fond of. Really. I was out to Singapore some time ago and I could not recall any incidents where I bumped into any smokers, what more inhale their smoke.
I was told that smokers are not allowed to smoke in most air-conditioned areas, public places, restaurants, offices, shopping centres and the list goes on. And, to add more, you would get a fine of $1,000 for breaking the rules.
"WOW" was the only thing that I managed to say. You can even get fined for chewing your gum in public places.
Okay, another "WOW"
I wish Malaysia has similar rules too, as I see that most smokers are just so selfish. Really.
Yesterday I was out having my lunch outside with a friend to a normal restaurant. Sitting next to us on a separate table were a bunch of old man eating, chatting and puffing away. It didn't bothered me at first, but suddenly, one of the man started to puff his smoke into my direction. "Hellooo, can't you at least respect? I am eating here!!!!" I wish I could say that to him, but looking at his age (oldies), I didn't think it was a good idea.
So I pretended to be okay for a while, trying to munch my lunch normally again. But thanks to him and his continuous smoke, I have lost my appetite. Oh, thank you Mr. Smoker.
I was boiling up twice as much than I did in the first place, because 1) I do not fancy someone blowing his smoke at me, and 2) I am so dead hungry and I want to finish up my meal
so...I did something quite nasty and which gives him the idea of how angry I was (^_^)
Oh no, I didn't go up to him and start yelling like a mad lady. Though I wish I could do that so that other smokers would not want to smoke there again whenever they sees me around. Muahahaha. Yeah right.
What I did was, I changed to an empty seat next to me. Not that it made that much difference, but I wanted to tell him *nicely* that I hated what he was doing.
And guess what, it worked!!! Yippeeyyyy!!
He started to blow his smoke into other direction. Good. So he understands. At last. Do I have to do those horrible thing to smokers so that they'll understand?
If you happen to be a smoker, please please do not be selfish and ignorance of your surrounding.
Why? Because non-smokers who happen to accidentally inhale your smoke, tends to die faster than you people. And for goodness sake, we do not appreciate that at all. Please take that in mind.
So the next time you smoke, please take note of your surrounding.
Oh yeah, just to share, later on we went for a movie. "Did you hear about the Morgans"
I am not making a review on the movie though but there was this one scene where Mrs Morgan (Sarah Jessica Parker) was pissed off about a smoker who happen to be the owner of the cafe. So she directly told him not to smoke.
And my friend were like, Oh look. She is just like you. Hah. Yeah. Very Funny (^_^)
Have you seen vampires who smoke? Well, here's a few vampires who smoke.

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