Yeayy, apakah tips-tips tersebut. Mungkin sekarang anda tertanya-tanya dan ternanti-nanti. Tapi, sebelum saya berkongsi tips tersebut, mari jawab soalan ini sejujurnya
a) Do you wish you are in a better shape than now?
b) Do you wish you can fit into a size S easily without having to gasp desperately for air?
c) Does it bother you seeing someone with beautiful curvy-licious body standing next to you?
d) Have you ever wish to have a flat tummy with no baby-fats around it?
So, if you answer Yes to 2/4 of those questions above, then I would suggest you take these tips seriously =)...but before I spill on the beans, there is something I would like to share with you, dengan harapan anda akan terus ingin melakukan tips tersebut tanpa merungut-rungut.

The hot mamma Heidi Klum. Eh, Heidi Klum ni sape? Heidi Klum is a model and a mother of three, or is it four? Okay, whatever, the main point here that I want to point out is how does she keeps up with that figure?
While I am guessing that some of you may say, “She’s a Hollywood celebrity with millions in her pocket, of course she can keep up with that figure. I pun boleh kalau ada duit berkepul-kepul kan” Jadi, kalau macam tu,kami-kami yang tiada wang ini tidak boleh memiliki badan yang cantik ke?Sedihnya..
No. Nonsense. For me, anyone can have what they want as long as they go after it, and that means with full heart, regardless of how much they earn for a living. So what is the tips lady? Panjang pulak intro yer. Okay, sorry. So the tips are as follow.
1) Never skip breakfast.
What? But I thought you said tips untuk badan langsing. Yes, these are the tips and one of the most important one is never ever skip your breakfast. Why? When you tend to skip your breakfast and thinking that you’ll lose more weight by having only your lunch is something that I would say
“Dream On and Get Over It!!”
I’m sorry if it sounds a bit harsh, but sometimes it is needed to get us on the right track. So, why does our tummy needs breakfast to keep slim?
Let us calculate this together.
6.00 - 6.30 am: Wake up from bed
8.00 – 9.00: Out for work
9.00 – 1.00: Working your butt out
1.00 – 2.00: Lunch time. Yay!!
Approximately 8-hour from the moment you wake up till you have that first bite, your tummy is actually crying for foods.
If tummies can talk, I think they'll be cursing us for the damage done. 8 hour is a long time people.
Imagine working from 9am to 5 pm without being able to stop and relax. even your eyes will get sore.
So, how does this 8 hour affect you?
When we work, we need energy. We even need energy to walk, talk, eat, and even post an entry on the blog =)
Energy comes from food. Yes, food that provides you with protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and a small percentage of fat. Wow, pandai rupanya aku dalam sains ni =)
So, when your body does not get enough food, it starts to chew other things inside your stomach. That is why by the end of the day you would start to get stomach ache, migraines, appendixes etc.
Therefore, please eat something before you hop on your car for work the next day because breakfast not only keeps you slim, it also makes you healthy. Yeay =)
For other healthy diet, please wait for my next posts. Cett..macam pandai jer =P
2) Exercise at least twice a week for at least 20 minutes
Simple form of exercise is by going for a jog around the park, or within your neighbourhood.
Eh, 20 minutes only? Do you know how 20 minutes of jogging can actually kill you? Haha. It actually ‘killed’ me to get past the 20 minutes.
Last few days I was out jogging for the first time in 5 months in Taman Metropolitan, Kepong. I thought it would be easy for me to get around the park without stopping or panting throughout the lap as I was so ‘perasan’ I am fit and healthy. The ‘perasanness’ came in about as I would go for a jog without a miss every morning and evening before this, but then despite my tight schedule and laziness, I kinda skipped my routine activity for a never ending dream land on the bed.
So, back to the story. Only after 5 minutes, I started panting like a cat which had just been chased by a dog (pernah la pulak kau tengok kucing kena kejar dengan anjing). Yes. It was so frustrating. So, the thing is, if you happen to do it for the first time, I would advise you to set a variety of exercise that you think you can handle well within the 20minutes.
For example, you can do some warming up for 5 minutes (please take note that warming up and warming down is important before and after exercising as you could get yourself injured otherwise). Then, start jogging for at least 10 minutes. That has already adds up to 15minutes. So the remaining 5 minutes can be the warming down session.
After around two weeks of exercising, and when you feel that your body is ready for improvements, then you can increase your jogging laps for 15 minutes, and later, 20, and 30, and you’ll be having that wonderland body in no time. Yay!! =)
3) No junk foods in between meals.
What can be categorized as junk food? Crisps such as Mr Potato, Pringles, and others (I wonder why I can’t recall some of the names..aishhh)
Anyway, other junk foods are chocolates, McDonalds, KFC, and the list goes on. So I can’t fill up myself when I’m hungry? LOL, of course you can. I am not telling you to fast in between meals.
Rather than junkies, why not replace it with something like Gardenia bread? Hey, talking of Gardenia, have you guys tried Butterscotch yet? It tastes nice right?
But I’m having this I-can’t-bear-to-have-another-piece-of-it-anymore-because-its-getting-boring-having-the-same-thing-everyday. So if you’re having the same symptom, my word of advice is to make a variety of food in a list. Fruits are one of them.
I’m starting to feed my tummy with red apples and oranges in between meals and my, it tastes so good =) So I guess these three tips for a wonderland body is enough to start off with. Start off your day with a breakfast tomorrow okay people?
Selamat Mencuba & Happy Trying =)
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