It's just fantastic as I have to submit my work to my manager by Thursday meaning I only have tomorrow and Wednesday to complete my work. Sheesh. I have to work late but I can't claim OT due to my so-called-senior status. Ridiculous isn't it that at this level, we can't claim anymore OT as we're only supposed to review our juniors work and not work late. Such balderdashness.
Then again, who am I to complain when lots of other people can't even claim OT at all. Guess, I feel so because I need the OT hours as I have utilised my annual leaves for my upcoming study break in April. I hope I pass both papers this round as I won't have any leaves left and I am so sick of studying something that I feel is of no value to me. It just goes in and out. I don't know why I can't seem to absorb and even sometimes understand all this theories and technical stuff. I wished I could take my exams in the land down under but the last core paper is tough and well, I'll need to look for a study group to discuss the case study. Sigh.
Dread that I'll have to work late again tomorrow night.
It's generally hard as I still am missing you terribly.

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