Senin, 22 November 2010

Happy Thanksgiving; What are you thankful for?

Thanksgiving is a day that we set aside to show our gratitude for things that we are thankful for.  We meet up with family and friends and we share big meals and lots of laughs.  I enjoy this time of year and wish that we could have days like this more often.  We don't have to wait for Thanksgiving to express our gratitude for all of the things that we are thankful for and we should try to gather our family and friends as often as we can, because none of us is promised tomorrow.

With that being said, have you ever had the worse day ever and couldn't find a way out of your funk?  When I get this way I create what I call a "thankful chain".  A thankful chain is simply naming one thing that you are thankful for and linking it to other things that you are thankful for. Before you know it, your bad day turns into a better day.  For instance: I'm thankful that I opened my eyes this morning, that I have vision to do so, that I am in my right mind to appreciate this, that I can get up, with use of my legs, to make breakfast, I have food to do so, to hug my kids, whom are healthy, I'm going to work, because I have a job...I mean you can go on forever and ever and you still wouldn't run out of things to be thankful for.  We have to un-learn taking things for granted and understand just how delicate life is and appreciate all of the small things in life that are what make life worth it!

So, this Thanksgiving day, instead of only thinking of the things that we are immediately thankful for, lets think of how we can continue to have this feeling of gratitude throughout the year!  Happy Thanksgiving and love and blessings to all!

With Love, 


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