Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009


Viewing the All American Reject's (AAR) cover of Britney Spear's "Womaniser" with Tyson, the lead singer's face staring straight at me.

"First look at Tyson- he looks like a druggie (drug addict)", I thought out loud.

"He probably is but he's soooo cuuuuute!!!", says my cutesy cousin. WAITAMINUTE. Did she say cute or charisma? =p) "BUT if you see him in real life, he has charisma!!!

So, I'll be heading to their concert this Saturday to see if it's true. =p Hope they change the venue back to 1utama!!

THANKS to DIGI, I have free tickets!!! I lost my ticket and had to get another one. Ish. But no worries, had an extra one from the cutesy cousin!!

And finally, I get to actually go for a somewhat PROPER and REAL concert. At the same time, I can scratch it off my "things-to-do-before-I-am-25" list!!

Anyone else going?

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