You'll look pretty and graceful, if you choose a short evening dress to your liking.
Rabu, 30 Juni 2010
Short Evening Dresses
You'll look pretty and graceful, if you choose a short evening dress to your liking.
Short Evening Dresses
You'll look pretty and graceful, if you choose a short evening dress to your liking.
Senin, 28 Juni 2010
Ball Gowns
Ball Gowns
Fushion of the traditional and the modern

So, okay. My idea wasn't that original as I thought. But I maintain that my idea is still chic and elegant!
Was reading this blog and found her wedding dress to be SOMEWHAT something that I had in mind, only that the lace I envisioned is a bit different and also the design above the tube top. But this is the closes to what I was referring to in my post yesterday.

See, what I mean about Bridezillas?? We have to have things our way and a certain way. After all, you only get to be a bride once. Well, that's my plan. Once is more than enough. =)
Was reading this blog and found her wedding dress to be SOMEWHAT something that I had in mind, only that the lace I envisioned is a bit different and also the design above the tube top. But this is the closes to what I was referring to in my post yesterday.

See, what I mean about Bridezillas?? We have to have things our way and a certain way. After all, you only get to be a bride once. Well, that's my plan. Once is more than enough. =)
Minggu, 27 Juni 2010
Shakers and Blowers makes Buzzing Vuvuzelas
Ever since the FIFA Worldcup 2010 started on the 11th of June, Mr. C and I have been tuning in to SBS for the daily matches together with the Korean housemates. When Mr. C and I watch the football matches initially, we wondered what cursed frog or buzzing insect that kept going on and on, making such a ruckus that you feel like whacking it to shut it up.
And then, I read on plurk, whereby Yatz commented something about the vuvuzelas. And Mr. C later on informed me that it was the vuvuzelas emitting the annoying noise and that there it was causing a kerfuffle in the football world. Many called for the ban on the plastic so-called-musical instrument that was DRIVING everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, insane! That is, if you watch the match.
Even the football players were playing so badly in their first few matches due to distraction from the noisy vuvuzelas. Although many were calling for a ban on the vuvuzela, the plastic trumpet that produces a loud, annoying blowing horn sound but I guess you can't really dictate a hosting nation to do something just because it annoys everyone else. =p
Even Hitler hates the Vuvuzela!!
And then, I read on plurk, whereby Yatz commented something about the vuvuzelas. And Mr. C later on informed me that it was the vuvuzelas emitting the annoying noise and that there it was causing a kerfuffle in the football world. Many called for the ban on the plastic so-called-musical instrument that was DRIVING everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, insane! That is, if you watch the match.
Even the football players were playing so badly in their first few matches due to distraction from the noisy vuvuzelas. Although many were calling for a ban on the vuvuzela, the plastic trumpet that produces a loud, annoying blowing horn sound but I guess you can't really dictate a hosting nation to do something just because it annoys everyone else. =p
Many people in the blogging world even blogged about it irking them to bits- MKL and Jess from Extractions of a disorientated mind. Even a Vuvuzela hater’ was arrested for threatening to chop off neighbors’ heads.
But I think it just takes a little getting used to. Now, it doesn't bug us so much. A lot of people are also adapting to the sound, saying that it makes one vuve-zealous over the matches as reported HERE.
Even my crazy boyfriend has resorted to downloading the vuvuzela application onto his Iphone. Don't ask why 'cos I don't know the answer. =p
Even my crazy boyfriend has resorted to downloading the vuvuzela application onto his Iphone. Don't ask why 'cos I don't know the answer. =p
Even my crazy boyfriend has resorted to downloading the vuvuzela application onto his Iphone. Don't ask why 'cos I don't know the answer. =p
After downloading the application, you can blow it and the horn blares...
Kidding!! You can't blow it. You shake it and the annoying sound goes off.
Poor guy. I made him blow at his Iphone a few times for a few shot.
Kooky Pics #254 Of furry things
Was trying to think up a catchy title for this picture and referred to the boyfriend. And this is what he said...
"Looks like three koo koo jiao (that means hokkien for birdies aka males genitals)"
"Looks like three koo koo jiao (that means hokkien for birdies aka males genitals)"
Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010
Restless Sunday
It's funny looking through FB (facebook) photos of others and how A used to be with B but is now with C where else B is with D. And it's uncanny how an ex-colleague can be a friend's current boyfriend's ex girlfriend. Or how E used to be fatter and dowdy but now, looks hot. Or how F used to look pretty hunky in high school but have ballooned somewhat and now, looks rather uncle-ish.
Picture taken from HERE.
I think it is pretty cool to be able to see how many mutual friends one has with each friends. The world is small and it keeps getting smaller these days. Every once in awhile, I'll be pleasantly surprised to see that friend A also knows friend E and F and so on. Perhaps, it is true university or work. And some, even as primary or high school mates!
What's the point in this post? Nothing really.
Just feeling restless and am too lazy to head out to spend money that I don't have nor run on treadmills that are just a drag. There is tomorrow after all. And losing weight can definitely wait another day.
I wonder why I torture myself at times, logging into FB and checking people's pictures out. Seeing how some girls look hot or happening, always at some kind of event and what not. I think the worst is seeing people you once deemed as close, now, have moved on and have their own circle of cliques. But that's life.
People change and move on in life. This makes me think about my future hens party. I don't exactly have a group of friends instead, I have one or two friends in different circles. So, it's going to be hard to invite all of them to a hen's party right? Perhaps, we'll have two separate ones. One that is filled with memorable moments and good, innocent 'ol fun. And have another one that is a tad rowdy with strippers and what not. Hah. That's a thought. =p
On a different note, wished I could get my wedding dress custom made. I was thinking of a tube-ish, long dress with another light or see through kind of layer over it. Narturally, there will be a detachable long train at the back. Long enough to look chic and yet not too long to trip over. A cheongsam style in white, stylish lace at the neck area. Modest and yet elegant. With that, I'll be able to cover my chicken pox style and flabby side arms. =P
Picture taken from HERE.
This one (custom made for approximately USD150) is just lovely but would prefer a different material cos when I look at this material, the first word that comes to mind- curtains.
Wedding dresses look about the same these days. But my idea is a pretty grand and chic idea right? Now, if only I could get someone to translate my idea onto paper AND sew it for me at a reasonable price! I would definitely be a happy camper! *hehe* Girls just go on Bridezilla mode when it comes to their wedding.
Time to lose some weight. Waitaminute, I have been saying that like a gazillion times! However, this time, I have a bet with my aunt to lose at least 2kgs in two weeks. Some sort of motivation. We shall see the outcome in two weeks time.

I think it is pretty cool to be able to see how many mutual friends one has with each friends. The world is small and it keeps getting smaller these days. Every once in awhile, I'll be pleasantly surprised to see that friend A also knows friend E and F and so on. Perhaps, it is true university or work. And some, even as primary or high school mates!
What's the point in this post? Nothing really.
Just feeling restless and am too lazy to head out to spend money that I don't have nor run on treadmills that are just a drag. There is tomorrow after all. And losing weight can definitely wait another day.
I wonder why I torture myself at times, logging into FB and checking people's pictures out. Seeing how some girls look hot or happening, always at some kind of event and what not. I think the worst is seeing people you once deemed as close, now, have moved on and have their own circle of cliques. But that's life.
People change and move on in life. This makes me think about my future hens party. I don't exactly have a group of friends instead, I have one or two friends in different circles. So, it's going to be hard to invite all of them to a hen's party right? Perhaps, we'll have two separate ones. One that is filled with memorable moments and good, innocent 'ol fun. And have another one that is a tad rowdy with strippers and what not. Hah. That's a thought. =p
On a different note, wished I could get my wedding dress custom made. I was thinking of a tube-ish, long dress with another light or see through kind of layer over it. Narturally, there will be a detachable long train at the back. Long enough to look chic and yet not too long to trip over. A cheongsam style in white, stylish lace at the neck area. Modest and yet elegant. With that, I'll be able to cover my chicken pox style and flabby side arms. =P

Picture taken from HERE.
Wedding dresses look about the same these days. But my idea is a pretty grand and chic idea right? Now, if only I could get someone to translate my idea onto paper AND sew it for me at a reasonable price! I would definitely be a happy camper! *hehe* Girls just go on Bridezilla mode when it comes to their wedding.
Time to lose some weight. Waitaminute, I have been saying that like a gazillion times! However, this time, I have a bet with my aunt to lose at least 2kgs in two weeks. Some sort of motivation. We shall see the outcome in two weeks time.
Hot Evening Dresses
Heading out for a night on the town, whether dinner and drinks at a local hotspot, taking in live music, or dancing until dawn at a packed club is an opportunity to flaunt your figure in a sexy dress. Getting dressed for your evening is easy when you keep a selection of the hot evening dresses in your closet - throw one on with some sexy heels and you are ready to head out the door.
Hot Evening Dresses
Heading out for a night on the town, whether dinner and drinks at a local hotspot, taking in live music, or dancing until dawn at a packed club is an opportunity to flaunt your figure in a sexy dress. Getting dressed for your evening is easy when you keep a selection of the hot evening dresses in your closet - throw one on with some sexy heels and you are ready to head out the door.
Brittany & Matt's Wedding

Every detail was just as Brittany and Matt had imagined. The Rancho San Rafael Ranch House courtyard was a quaint and home-like environment to exchange their wedding vows. Huge balloons floated high in the air, and the smell of fresh flowers was everywhere.
Brittany, with her 40's style hairstyle, and looking adorable in her darling tea-length gown, glowed as her father walked her through the courtyard toward Matt. He, and his groomsmen, dressed in khakis, pale yellow Tommy Hilfiger sweaters, and chocolate Converse, anxiously awaited for Brittany to take Matt's side. The Beatles "I Will" played as she walked toward Matt. It really was a perfect day in every way, with the exception that I had to say "good bye" at the end of the day. So, off they go into their futures together, happy and in love, not only with life, but eachother, and I am left with wonderful memories of a very happy experience working with such wonderful people such as Brittany and Matt.
Brittany & Matt, it was such a privilege working with you! I will always remember your wedding day and the kindness and generosity shown to me by you and your fantastic family. My sincere best wishes for your happiness always!
Korean Drama IN the house
Have you ever wonder where movie and drama ideas come from?? Well, let me tell you the secret... FROM EVERYDAY LIFE!!
A little about the home occupants..
Currently, Mr. C and I are staying in a household of Koreans. So far, everyone has been nice and friendly. There is the main tenant- a married couple (P for the hubby and J for the wife) with a baby on the way, two other guys (Ja and Jo) and another girl tenant (Jin) who came in a week or so ago.
Everything was going pretty well. Mr. C and I are asked to join in for meals and chats. The guys have their ciggy breaks most evenings outside at the porch after meals and then, proceeded by countless Go Stop games that goes on for hours til the wee hours of the morning.
Picture taken from HERE.
J will go shopping with Jin every alternate days and chat nineteen to the dozen with her. At times, I feel a little left out ish. I am in no way envious of their friendship but it just reminds me of my lack of female friendship, at times and makes me miss my chums.
This is what happened...
Anyway, Wednesday evening, we were all playing Go Stop and chatting. Jin who was previously in the US for two years to study English, went back to Korea for about 10 months and then came over to Australia just a week or so ago- she was asking Mr. C about her English. She was going on and on, asking the same question repeatedly as to why people here can't understand her English.
The thing with Jin is, among all the Korean housemates, she has the most fluent English (not to say that it is really good) which is accompanied by her US accent mixed with Korean accent! It doesn't sound like she pronounces her words and that is probably the reason people find it hard to understand what she tries to convey.
So, Mr. C, Jo, J and Jin were playing Go Stop and Jin just kept asking her same question over and over. Even Mr. C who is generally a very patient person started to get a little irked. It was like a time bomb waiting to happen- J, suddenly burst out in rapid Korean to Jin. I suspect that she was telling her to stop asking her questions or something. Few minutes later, Jin left the group and went to her room, banging her room doors.
Mr. C and I asked Jo what happened and he explained that J told Jin that Mr. C is too nice and will tolerate her questions but the actual fact is that Jin's English is poor. So, we suspect that maybe Jin thinks her English is good and didn't like being told otherwise.
The next day...
Whatever it is, I stayed over at my aunt's place on Thursday to spend some time with her, Mr. C called for a chat and updated me that Jin was moving out in two weeks- her deposit that she paid. J was livid that Jin didn't have the courtesy to tell to her face but instead, sent a text!
Since Wednesday night, we haven't seen Jin. Her clothes that she hung outside the house since Monday is still there. I find it a trifle surprising that a mountain can be created out of a molehill. J, perhaps did say her piece of mind in a high handed manner but for Jin to move out over this, it's a tad overboard.
Based on my talk with Jin earlier, she seems like she comes from a wealthy family and have things somewhat easy. Perhaps that is why she may not be used to this kind of criticism and didn't know how to react to it in a mature manner.
Picture taken from HERE.
Eitherway, perhaps it's good that I don't know much Korean and maintain a certain distant with J. But so far, she has been really nice to Mr. C and I.
Then again, we are very like-able people! =)
A little about the home occupants..
Currently, Mr. C and I are staying in a household of Koreans. So far, everyone has been nice and friendly. There is the main tenant- a married couple (P for the hubby and J for the wife) with a baby on the way, two other guys (Ja and Jo) and another girl tenant (Jin) who came in a week or so ago.
Everything was going pretty well. Mr. C and I are asked to join in for meals and chats. The guys have their ciggy breaks most evenings outside at the porch after meals and then, proceeded by countless Go Stop games that goes on for hours til the wee hours of the morning.

J will go shopping with Jin every alternate days and chat nineteen to the dozen with her. At times, I feel a little left out ish. I am in no way envious of their friendship but it just reminds me of my lack of female friendship, at times and makes me miss my chums.
This is what happened...
Anyway, Wednesday evening, we were all playing Go Stop and chatting. Jin who was previously in the US for two years to study English, went back to Korea for about 10 months and then came over to Australia just a week or so ago- she was asking Mr. C about her English. She was going on and on, asking the same question repeatedly as to why people here can't understand her English.
The thing with Jin is, among all the Korean housemates, she has the most fluent English (not to say that it is really good) which is accompanied by her US accent mixed with Korean accent! It doesn't sound like she pronounces her words and that is probably the reason people find it hard to understand what she tries to convey.
So, Mr. C, Jo, J and Jin were playing Go Stop and Jin just kept asking her same question over and over. Even Mr. C who is generally a very patient person started to get a little irked. It was like a time bomb waiting to happen- J, suddenly burst out in rapid Korean to Jin. I suspect that she was telling her to stop asking her questions or something. Few minutes later, Jin left the group and went to her room, banging her room doors.
Mr. C and I asked Jo what happened and he explained that J told Jin that Mr. C is too nice and will tolerate her questions but the actual fact is that Jin's English is poor. So, we suspect that maybe Jin thinks her English is good and didn't like being told otherwise.
The next day...
Whatever it is, I stayed over at my aunt's place on Thursday to spend some time with her, Mr. C called for a chat and updated me that Jin was moving out in two weeks- her deposit that she paid. J was livid that Jin didn't have the courtesy to tell to her face but instead, sent a text!
Since Wednesday night, we haven't seen Jin. Her clothes that she hung outside the house since Monday is still there. I find it a trifle surprising that a mountain can be created out of a molehill. J, perhaps did say her piece of mind in a high handed manner but for Jin to move out over this, it's a tad overboard.
Based on my talk with Jin earlier, she seems like she comes from a wealthy family and have things somewhat easy. Perhaps that is why she may not be used to this kind of criticism and didn't know how to react to it in a mature manner.

Eitherway, perhaps it's good that I don't know much Korean and maintain a certain distant with J. But so far, she has been really nice to Mr. C and I.
Then again, we are very like-able people! =)
Party Evening Dresses
Types of dresses that can never fail are called party evening dresses. In fact the party evening dresses can be as varied and different to each other than to call a category of dress is something bold, yet its importance we will give you the best advice that you succeed fill your wardrobe of the Top party evening dresses. When properly choose a party dress is appropriate to take into account many factors, and is so easy to make a mistake it's best to go for parts and distinguish different types of gowns that may exist.
To begin we have to choose a party evening dress that is appropriate for season and time of year to hold the event. One need not be very smart to realize that keeping a dress winter to a summer party can become an ordeal, just as would happen if they carry a summer dress to a winter festival. It also occurs in spring and autumn because the spring must be dressed colorful and sensual.
It is also important to wear dresses according to our age, older ladies should not carry modern dress designed to young girls, adolescents which generally are more casual, bold and even provocative. In the case of adult female, these dresses and they are completely out of tune badly. This does not mean that adult women should be dressed as grandmothers; you should always go sensual but according to our age. Overcome this, the most important thing is to limit the type of party they attend. As you will know all submitted to a company dinner with a party dress designed for dances is a mistake.
Many girls are overwhelmed by not finding appropriate sizes for them or not knowing how saves money when getting a Perfect party dress. Well, it is interesting to expand our circle of purchases more than the department store or shop the corner. It is sometimes advisable to move to another city. Another interesting option is the buying clothes online. There are huge catalogs of party dresses with thousands of photos and imagery party evening dresses, you can buy at very reasonable prices Cheap. This is undoubtedly one of the most requested options lately.
Party Evening Dresses
Types of dresses that can never fail are called party evening dresses. In fact the party evening dresses can be as varied and different to each other than to call a category of dress is something bold, yet its importance we will give you the best advice that you succeed fill your wardrobe of the Top party evening dresses. When properly choose a party dress is appropriate to take into account many factors, and is so easy to make a mistake it's best to go for parts and distinguish different types of gowns that may exist.
To begin we have to choose a party evening dress that is appropriate for season and time of year to hold the event. One need not be very smart to realize that keeping a dress winter to a summer party can become an ordeal, just as would happen if they carry a summer dress to a winter festival. It also occurs in spring and autumn because the spring must be dressed colorful and sensual.
It is also important to wear dresses according to our age, older ladies should not carry modern dress designed to young girls, adolescents which generally are more casual, bold and even provocative. In the case of adult female, these dresses and they are completely out of tune badly. This does not mean that adult women should be dressed as grandmothers; you should always go sensual but according to our age. Overcome this, the most important thing is to limit the type of party they attend. As you will know all submitted to a company dinner with a party dress designed for dances is a mistake.
Many girls are overwhelmed by not finding appropriate sizes for them or not knowing how saves money when getting a Perfect party dress. Well, it is interesting to expand our circle of purchases more than the department store or shop the corner. It is sometimes advisable to move to another city. Another interesting option is the buying clothes online. There are huge catalogs of party dresses with thousands of photos and imagery party evening dresses, you can buy at very reasonable prices Cheap. This is undoubtedly one of the most requested options lately.
Jumat, 25 Juni 2010
Women Fashion Shoes
If you are participating in a formal event, like a wedding or a prom, the tendancy is to purchase women fashion shoes that match up in color to the dress. As this is normally a one time event, it's a good idea to not spend a lot of money on formal shoes as the possibility or wearing these shoes again is very low percentage. So stay away from the expensive versions, and leave the $100 at the store, sacrifice comfort for a lower entry cost, and spend the money elsewhere in your shoe collection.
By elsewhere, I mean spend the money on a pair of formal, women fashion shoes that are soft and comfortable, that will wear well, and that can be applied to a number of events and outfits. This is by far the best way to spend your evening shoe dollars. When choosing shoes for these occasions, consider the accessories you will be using and remember to consider the use of shoe ornaments, which can provide a lot of options while providing a means of integrating your accessories.
Think about the different shoe designs are available today. While many ladies go right to the the spike heel sections in the stores, consider platform with spirals which are very much in fashion today. You'll find much more comfort in a platform style shoe, and your feet will thank you after a long evening out. Pumps are also much more versatile, go with many more outfits are generally much more comfortable than spike heels.
Look at exquisitely crafted Italian shoes, as they provide the high end look and feel which is synonymous with formal evenings or special dinner functions. You really can't go wrong with well designed Italian shoes. These people really know how to design women's shoes, they are the epitome of design, and with so many years of design and use comes great comfort and function. While were talking about comfort, think platform or pumps over spikes.
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