Rabu, 31 Maret 2010
A somber affair
But in the evening around 3pm ish, my mother called to inform me that the mother of a friend had passed away. Although I am not super duper close with this friend but she's been my friend from my younger days at church. And she was back from Adelaide to see her mum and of course, as her friend, I attended the wake that was that night itself.

Definitely a somber affair and a reality check.
It made me think harder about my parent and how they aren't getting any younger as they reaching their 60's soon. And when I go, one can never know how long they'll still be alive and kicking.
So, I try to spend a little more time with them. It's hard. Especially when people keep wanting to meet up and hang out and I find it hard to say no. =) That's just me. I tend to give in then make a stand. Of course, most times, I, too want to go out and chill.
But my point was, one never knows how long our parents, siblings or even friends will be around. No point waiting til they are six feet underground to show your appreciation by visiting their grave every year. By then, it's too late. I can only imagine the pain and sorrow my friend is going through but at least she had a chance to spend time with her mum. A chance to say her goodbyes as her mother passed away due to breast cancer. Not everyone has such chance.
We should live life as if everyday is our last. We should treasure those around us and show it through our actions. The extra miles we go for them. The little things that we do. The time spent with them and for them. That matters. That counts.
My question to you is, if anyone of your family or friends were to pass away tonight (I am sure many of you are saying 'choi' 'touch wood' and giving me dirty looks for even thinking such a thing), would you have any regrets? Regrets for not spending more time with that person? Or regrets for not bridging the gap? For not apologising over any hurts and misunderstandings?
Well, I definitely don't want to have such regrets. Hence, I try to do the little I can right now. And so should you.
Selasa, 30 Maret 2010
Senin, 29 Maret 2010
My life saviour
Thank God that Audrey Niffenegger's Time Traveller's Wife accompanied me on my mundane journey home and brought a smile to my face when I read this part...

"Of course animals have souls. Where did she get that idea?"
"She said the Pope says."
"The Pope's an old meanie. Animals have much nicer souls than we do. They never tell lies or blow anybody up."
"They eat each other."
"Well, they have to eat each other; they can't go to Dairy Queen and get a large vanilla cone with sprinkles, can they?"
"They could eat grass."
"So could we, but we don't. We eat hamburgers."
Minggu, 28 Maret 2010
Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010
Jumat, 26 Maret 2010
Kamis, 25 Maret 2010
Rabu, 24 Maret 2010
Selasa, 23 Maret 2010
Senin, 22 Maret 2010
Minggu, 21 Maret 2010
Kimberly & Todd's Wedding

Kimberly and Todd are such a wonderful couple. It is because of couples like them, that I especially love what I do.
When together, their eyes sparkle and are always fixed on each other as though no one else is in the room.
Their love for one another is special and it is evident in the love and respect they show for one another.
The wedding ceremony that united them in marriage was equally as special. It was truly a blessed day for them and all who were in attendance. The traditional ceremony was spiritually centered on Jewish tradition and customs dating back thousands of years.
One of many such beautiful traditions is the groom's veiling of the bride's face, just prior to the wedding ceremony. This tradition is to symbolically acknowledge that the bride is indeed one's beloved. As Todd veiled Kimberly's face you could see in his eyes that he was very happy to acknowledge and say that yes, Kimberly was the one he indeed wanted to marry.
Kimberly looked radiant as her sweet mother and maid of honor walked her down the aisle. When she reached Todd under the Chuppah, she engaged in the ancient Jewish wedding tradition where she circled her groom seven times, symbolizing the "new family circle" she was creating with him.
Afterwards, the Rabbi recited the Sheva B'rakhot, or seven Jewish wedding blessings, which praise G-d and wish the couple blessing in their new life.Finally, the best-known traditions of Jewish weddings occured-- the breaking of the wedding glass.
After a beautifully presented, delicious kosher meal everyone enjoyed dancing and singing. In every way, it was a beautiful wedding day. We all ended the evening thankful that all went just according to Kimberly and Todd's beautiful plan for their wedding day.
Kimberly and Todd, I will always remember you. My love, respect and good wishes to you both always. May your married life together be greater than you could have ever imagined!
Mazel tov!
Photography courtesy of Jessi LeMay Photography
A career move
There is no such thing as a dead end. It is always never too late to try something new. Financial security may be more appealing. But when you get to the point of dragging yourself to work everyday, it is about time that you stop and think about your situation. There are thousands of books that can help you discover about yourself and what you are good at. You can also use the web for more useful information. Calculated risks and proper planning will help you find your way. Living with a purpose is definitely more fulfilling. Passion for something will bring out all the best in you.
I knew I didn't want to climb the corporate ladder in that direction and that audit just isn't for me. However, due to family circumstances and obligations, I stayed and struggled for the next 3 years and 9 months of my working life there.
I wouldn't say that it was all doom and horror. Fellow colleagues were what made it bearable through the years. Even up to now, we do meet up once in awhile for dim sum and talk about the good 'ol days or whatever everyone is up to at this point in time.
Memories in audit were numerous. The first 2 years were the best.
Well, among 2 erm... interesting ladies.
Someone hooked at candy at my top. Hmmm..
Definitely never a dull moment with her around.
After some mini soul searching sessions, I finally made the decision to resigned in September 2009 and was fortunate to be given an early release from serving my 3 months notice. I only had to serve one month.
It was definitely a first. A first of making a decision for myself, for once. Thinking of what I wanted. But the answer of what to do next still eluded me. I was supposed to do some reflection on what I would like to pursue next (and not make the same mistake of doing something I hated) but one thing after another kept cropping up to fill up my time and before I knew it, less than a month into my unemployment, I was offered a job in an investment bank in the Corporate Finance (CF) department.
It took me a week to think things through. With no other job offers in hand, I took up the offer. I mean, with my current AM (Assistant Manager) position and approximately 20% increment, it was a good offer. I figured that I would have November and December to go for other interviews if there were ever such calls. But the calls never came. There were no offers.
Hence, in January 2010, I started my second full time job in Corporate Finance. Into the first week itself, the urge to resign was overwhelming. I knew that once again, I was back to square one. The difference was that in audit, I couldn't take it anymore in the 2nd year onwards whilst into my very first week of this job, I knew that I would leave. It was just a matter of when.
It is definitely not an easy call. I initially told myself, if I could persevere almost 4 years of hell in audit, what is 2 years in CF. But who was I kidding? I was burnt out. I had not healed from my experience in audit. I was not refreshed nor rejuvenated. I was just a zombie in motion.
Everyday was another day with nothing I had to look forward to. I dread sleeping, knowing that work waited the very next day. And when I actually wake up, I struggle internally to go to work. To be positive. Whatever it was, I was thankful that I had a job. That I did not have to work late like me fellow ex-colleagues who were still in audit.
But after awhile, even there is only so much that can keep me going. My colleagues at my new job are nice, friendly and jokers. But of late, I do see the other side.
Due to several circumstances, I finally made a decision of what to do. There is a lot of uncertainties surrounding this decision and many would frown at such rash decision, or so they would think. I can't explain the full story of what transpired my decision but I believe that at this point of time, it is the best alternative.
And time will only tell if it is the best or rather most appropriate call or if it's yet another mistake.
I wish really hard that it won't be a mistake but that it'll be the best decision I make in my life!