Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009
Darn it! Keep on dreaming.
1. Wash Edward UPDATES: Done
2. Tidy room UPDATES: Only partially
3. Come up with Ikea combination of bookshelves for my house UPDATES: Not yet
4. Update my ideas UPDATES: Not yet
5. Take my sister to the Doctor's UPDATES: She refuses to go
6. Research online and apply my ideas UPDATES: Not yet
7. Stay healthy by going to the gym! UPDATES: Not yet..tmr perhaps?
ps: hungry!! going to try out Chow Yang's la jiu pan mee!! UPDATES: not that great. wouldn't really go back there unless SUPER desperate!
Updated at 6.40pm
Jumat, 29 Mei 2009
Fashion designer Versace's £2 Million House!
Here's what looks like "The master bedroom"
More pictures:
Everything is neo-classical, oh a haven for museum pieces, art own by one and only Donatella Versace
Kamis, 28 Mei 2009
Short people got no reason to live...
Enjoy! *Snicker* No offense to short people though. *winks*
Short people got no reason
Short people got no reason
Short people got no reason
To live
They got little hands
Little eyes
They walk around
Tellin' great big lies
They got little noses
And tiny little teeth
They wear platform shoes
On their nasty little feet
Well, I don't want no short people
Don't want no short people
Don't want no short people
`Round here
Short people are just the same
As you and I
(A fool such as I)
All men are brothers
Until the day they die
(It's a wonderful world)
Short people got nobody
Short people got nobody
Short people got nobody
To love
They got little baby legs
That stand so low
You got to pick em up
Just to say hello
They got little cars
That go beep, beep, beep
They got little voices
Goin' peep, peep, peep
They got grubby little fingers
And dirty little minds
They're gonna get you every time
Well, I don't want no short people
Don't want no short people
Don't want no short people
'Round here
Hey people... click on the "nang it" button if you enjoy the post or just to humour me. *hehe* kidding on the humour part! I learn to add the button from here.
Rabu, 27 Mei 2009
Apparently, I have it too!
* decreased interest or pleasure in usual activities or hobbies. CHECKED.
* loss of energy, feeling tired despite lack of activity. CHECKED.
* a change in appetite, with significant weight loss or weight gain. CHECKED.
* a change in sleeping patterns, such as difficulty sleeping, early morning awakening, or sleeping too much. CHECKED.
* restlessness or feeling slowed down. CHECKED.
* decreased ability to make decisions or concentrate. CHECKED.
* feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, or guilt. CHECKED.
* thoughts of suicide or death. CHECKED.
Don't scold me or nag me or say stop being so pessimistic! I need your TLC and not your scoldings and disappointments. It's that wonderful time of the month. And I am entitled to feel how I feel. Especially this time of the month. It's hard to truly express out loud because I'll just be scorned.
OTHER MATTERS Sometimes, it's really the little things in your everyday life that makes life more bearable. So, it's good to dwell on good things to help you through the bad ones.
1) "Hey, i didn't know you can write quite well." A colleague quipped yesterday after reading my blog. Thanks. It made me feel happier about myself.
2) "Hi Esther!"one of the company's audit partner said to me when he met Kristin, Kelly and me at Gloria Jeans today. I thought he didn't know of my existence or didn't know my name. In fact, I can't believe he forgot Lyn's name! He remembers her as the girl who always carries her LV bag. How can that possibly be when Lyn's like famous??!!! *hehe* Oh no. She's probably going to be spitting mad when she reads this!
3) A hug from someone who matters.
4) Congratulations on your engagement!!! I know it's something that you've been waiting for quite some time and I am so happy for you! =)
Senin, 25 Mei 2009
are you depressed?
1. Understand WHAT is depression. Just Google and you have an ocean full of information at your disposal.
2. Don't say you understand if you've never been through it because chances are... you don't!
3. Help them the way they need help. NOT the way you want to help them.
4. Remember, a depressed person is not a well person. I am not saying that person is cuckoo or mentally crazy but they're not well and they need your tender loving care (TLC). So, treat them accordingly! Don't expect them to think rationally like you.
5. Be very patient with the day to day help. People don't just snap out of depression just on a whim and fancy.
- constant feelings of sadness, irritability, or tension
- decreased interest or pleasure in usual activities or hobbies
- loss of energy, feeling tired despite lack of activity
- a change in appetite, with significant weight loss or weight gain
- a change in sleeping patterns, such as difficulty sleeping, early morning awakening, or sleeping too much
- restlessness or feeling slowed down
- decreased ability to make decisions or concentrate
- feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, or guilt
- thoughts of suicide or death
Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009
Punching bag

pic taken:
When a person is ticked off or pissed off by someone else, they take it out on me. When that happens and they're moodless, they expect me to buzz off and scram without forewarning me at times expecting me to have like what??!! a reading people's mind talent??!!!
And when they're all chirpy and happy, they expect me to reciprocate in kind. Like HELLO??!!!
I am not some robot or emotionless thing with an on/off button where you can expect me to adjust to your every moods. Ever thought of my very own moods and feelings??!! And yeah, if only I could stay away from people like that. After all, the 6 closest people to you are probably those that will influence you somehow.
However, it's a bit hard to distance oneself when they're your family or loved ones.
and you guys mutter that I am a pessimist. Gee. I wonder why.
Kamis, 21 Mei 2009
-Dr Lawrence J. Peter
How can I tell you? You'll just turn a deaf ear on me. Do you know that your very actions hurt me? Do you care that you hurt me? How can you expect me to turn my feelings off and on to suit your purposes? When you're happy, you expect me to be just as happy and nice to you back. When you're unhappy maybe as a result of a tiff or an argument with someone else, you take it out on me. Do i look like a punching bag to you??!! Please. Walk your talk and practice what you preach. Even if you don't believe in karma, karma's a bitch and it basically means "Do unto others what you want others to do unto you."
Yes, it's true. We are all very emotional beings, always going by our feelings. I, do too! But you can't ALWAYS be following your own feelings and thinking of yourself. When are you going to start caring for others especially those that means most to you? Rising above is especially when you DON'T feel like it but you still DO it.
What's the point of preaching when you don't live by the very things you preach? You tell me not to justify my very actions. Well, so should you.
-W. L. Orme
Rabu, 20 Mei 2009
H1N1 Flu
My colleague mentioned that he was feeling unwell and that the doctor told him to take the day off . But he being ever smart, nerdy and hardworking soldiered on with work and to client's. I told him, if tomorrow he is still unwell, he should really stay home and rest.
But of course, i told him to infect me first! =p and what is it that Malaysia calls it the H1N1 flu when others are calling it the SWINE flu??!! Is it because of the word, "SWINE" meaning piggie... and for the obtuse.. B-A-B-I!! Not baby k. It's just comes to show you some people's idiocy.
Selasa, 19 Mei 2009
Friend or foe?
My response to u, my friend =)

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009
No longer me
Kamis, 14 Mei 2009
Adriana Lima Unveiling the Swimsuit 2009 Catalog of Victoria's Secret
Adriana Francesca Lima (born June 12, 1981) is a Brazilian model best known as a Victoria's Secret Angel since 2000 and a spokesmodel for Maybelline cosmetics from 2003 to 2009. At age 15, Lima finished first place in Ford's "Supermodel of Brazil" competition and took second place the following year in the Ford "Supermodel of the World" competition before signing with Elite Model Management in New York City.
Selasa, 12 Mei 2009
silly girl
1. Intense hatred or dislike; loathing; abhorrence.
2. The state or fact of being intensely hated as the result of some despicable action.
3. Disgrace or discredit attaching to something hated or repugnant.
word of the day taken from
Anyways, hope tomorrow will be another easy, light and happy day.
ps: Anyone interested in climbing mt KK??
Minggu, 10 Mei 2009
Taare Zameen Par
The show ended with Ishaan winning the art competition held in the school among students and teachers and how touched and proud his parents were at his accomplishments!!


Jumat, 08 Mei 2009
The Come Back of Prima Ballerina
Ballet was introduced a hundreds of years ago. A type of performative dance originated on French courts and was further developed as a concert form of dance in England, Italy, Russia.
The early ballet weren't highly skilled as they are now, it has become a highly technical form of dance with it's own vocabulary.
When ballet first originated in Italy during the Renaissance (known then as "ballo,") female dancers were not allowed to show their legs or even ankles to the public. Instead, dancers used masks so that their artistic expression was enough to excite the audience. Their clothing included stiffly laced long-sleeved bodices and panniered skirts. Such restrictive, cumbersome outfits allowed little possibility for elaborate athletic body movement. Thus dance steps had to be quite simple.
Then came the "tutu" a corruption of the word cucu, (French baby talk for cul-cul meaning roughly "botty-wotty" for butt). Legend has it that the term was first used by commoners who, unlike the wealthy sitting in the upper levels of the ballet theaters, were seated in the lower levels. These commoners would look up at the dancer and had a very different view of the ballerinas.
Rabu, 06 Mei 2009
Stumbled upon this song few days ago on Josh Groban and Beyonce singing "Believe", a song from "Polar express" the Christmas animation. At first, i found the song's tune a little weird. However, this is the kind of song that just grows on you after listening to it a few times and you also start to notice certain parts of the lyrics that just jumps out at you.
"We were dreamers not so long ago. But one by one we all had to grow up."
And it's so true. Some of us get to live our dreams. Others just continue on dreaming and hope that one day, their dream will materialise. And others... well, they just stop dreaming.
And this the other part, "Believe in what you feel inside, And give your dreams the wings to fly. You have everything you need, If you just believe." is basically what the aptly named song is all about. Believe.
That's why, I am going to believe or at least believe in miracles and one of them is that i will pass BOTH my papers. I know it's probably a long shot. But, hey... you just never know. Moving on, i have to start believing in myself and i need to find wings for my dreams.
Then again, i think i have to figure out which of my dreams i want to pursue first.
I had this theory if one could just win RM100 a day ie from Genting, 30days x RM100 = RM3k. Hence, no need work so strenously or one would be more free to pursue other stuff. I mean, it can't be that difficult to win just RM100 right?? Let's just say, that hypothesis has been tested and it's not that simple. Darn it!
Polar Express Soundtrack
Believe-Josh Groban
Children sleeping
Snow is softly falling.
Dreams are calling
Like bells in the distance.
We were dreamers
Not so long ago.
But, one by one
We all had to grow up.
When it seems the magic slipped away,
We find it all again on Christmas Day.
Believe in what your heart is saying,
Hear the melody that's playing.
There's no time to waste,
There's so much to celebrate.
Believe in what you feel inside,
And give your dreams the wings to fly.
You have everything you need
If you just believe.
Trains move quickly
To their journey's end.
Are where we begin again.
Ships go sailing
Far across the sea.
Trusting starlight
To get where they need to be.
When it seems that we have lost our way,
We find ourselves again on Christmas Day.
Believe in what your heart is saying,
Hear the melody that's playing.
There's no time to waste,
There's so much to celebrate.
Believe in what you feel inside,
And give your dreams the wings to fly.
You have everything you need
If you just believe.
If you just believe
If you just believe
If you just believe
Just believe
Just believe
Senin, 04 Mei 2009
Fear, oh fear... where art thou?
It's all about mindset. Last time, i do it for the sake of doing it. Now, it is the same just that with the thinking that this is all so pointless. I don't even remember what i read. I don't even understand what i read at times. I don't use it in my work. So, why am i doing this??!! Perhaps if i have back that same feelings of fear before i failed, i wouldn't keep failing. Or if i can just get a right mindset.
I know. I know. You're just going to say,"Think positive. Dwell on good things."
Yada yada yada.... BUT for now...
Don't ask me to be positive. Don't ask me to say nice things. Don't say i expect too much from you or that i complain too much. So, what if i DO complain a lot? or expect you to do certain things? or am SUPER pessimistic?
If the "big leech" wasn't the way he is and if you guys followed the course in life that most of us do.. study, work, earn money and carry out your responsibilities, or at least, not think of yourselves and make excuses, things would be so much better. And I wouldn't be this bitter nor this angry nor this frustrated. I wouldn't feel this way that everything i do is to make up for you all not fulfilling your part.
My soul is weary. I am sinking. I can't do it anymore. Can you understand that? I know there are things to be positive about. To be grateful for. But i can't seem to see them right now. Can you understand that?
I need to move on, for now. I need to break away. I need to think of me for once. It's all about self preservation.
I have to do this, for me.
For a happier me.
Jumat, 01 Mei 2009
Lyn d bimb aka ex- meanie... my hero-ine!!!

Paint-By-Numbers, totally unique
"The paint-by-numbers revival has been invested with a certain degree of intellectual gravitas. This is a fad that has been elevated, by social historians and other lateral-thinking academics, into nothing less than a full-blown cultural phenomenon. Pictures painted by rote by bored housewives and hobbyists, patient or not-so-patient children, and assorted Sunday painters lacking the imagination or inclination to think up their own compositions, have suddenly metamorphosed into objects of social analysis and aesthetic contemplation. There has even been an entire exhibition devoted to the birth and progress of the phenomenon in America, at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. The accompanying book, Paint by Number, by William L Bird, Jr, is to be published in this country." -