Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009


SOMETHING ABOUT ME: I seem to have a shorter fuse nowadays with lesser tolerance and I tend to shut down easily which I am not proud of.


I made a very big decision today and I am wondering why don't I feel the super high feeling that I should be having, just yet. This very decision has been on my very mind ever since the very beginning but something has always cropped up to either delay my decision or to change it.

And now, finally, I have decided to take the plunge. And I thought it was best to inform certain people of my decision. If not, there would be complaints as to why didn't I mention about it sooner. However, due to some oversight as I was rushing to clear my manager's queries on work, I left out informing some people.

Anyways, I can't help but wonder if I had made a mistake.

I feel as if I should have just kept quiet about the whole plunge I had made. It might have made life a whole lot better. I can't help but wonder if it was also a factor that triggered another friend's certain decision.

Of course, many people would scorn and say that it was not a nice move seeing the timing and all. But I have reached passed my breaking point and if I didn't take that step now, when would I ever?

Now, if only she will support me as he does.

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